......................beyond thought, there is a field. will you meet me there?
sweet melt godiva's horse
and he is horse-top
sliding gently into field
borrowed time
.......................oh love! o love....
lady ethiopia, i am starving for you
how the flowers talk at railroad stations
and bus terminals
how flowers lean in to each other
over the tamac road how
they put their bendy arms around each other
there is no lake like this lake which is the world
purple sky
green rain-drops where our feet were...
the world is not very big
and there is only room in it for our desperate loving...
i suppose soldiers will frost the spring
and tranquilised windows
but christ, the grass!
and the purity of lips
when they are not wasted on speech
the solemn cathedral of our bodies
stretching out its arms
here, in the forbidden corner
and there, in heaven
lady ethiopia, we are starving for you
the pianos that we hide inside ourselves