.....................Anyone Fancy Another?

.....................................................................................................for merl

Shape fruit the tulip of bourgeois armory, the time wasting of traffic lights, the downtown robotic frollicking, the huge tongue of springtime. Celtic warriors skulk the outside of the house, faces tribal-marked with soot. Going to be a hot time in Gemany tonight! let loose the elbows and knees. The sky of ice and it cracks cracks shatters. striped zebras wearing humans as necklaces gonna be a cold night in America! Let loose the pygmies, the giants, no time for shamrocks and grandma, the youth are taking to the streets

rooftops ablaze with history. sugar furnace the robotic man-child in his pyjama'd dreams
blue tentacles storm
squeeze the throats of the very living. Squirmy, wormy, end of day mess & the love juice dripping from the elbows of these people. wary. animalistic silent footsteps in the forest. sun busting through the overgrowth. revolution kissing the cheeks. following the heart of the mothers. ripples on a lake. green velvet glove on an aboriginal wall. this bubbling, these small poppings, this doorway of downtown gaudy squalor. morntime. a bird. a small bird. africa.


......................beyond thought, there is a field. will you meet me there?...............................(rumi)

sweet melt godiva's horse

and he is horse-top

sliding gently into field

borrowed time.......................oh love! o love....

lady ethiopia, i am starving for you

how the flowers talk at railroad stations

and bus terminals

how flowers lean in to each other

over the tamac road how

they put their bendy arms around each other

there is no lake like this lake which is the world

purple sky

green rain-drops where our feet were...

the world is not very big

and there is only room in it for our desperate loving...

i suppose soldiers will frost the spring

and tranquilised windows

but christ, the grass!

and the purity of lips

when they are not wasted on speech

the solemn cathedral of our bodies


stretching out its arms

here, in the forbidden corner

and there, in heaven

lady ethiopia, we are starving for you

the pianos that we hide inside ourselves



this bubbling, these small poppings, this doorway. following the heart of The Mothers.
the work is calm. ripples on a lake.


sugar apricot the whistle / signature cavern

coalesce by vacant lot of whispers

slammed by the doorway, the wrinkled toes of a year

wagon of indifference and drunken cowboys

coarse rubber & the idle banter of turnip'd growth

soldier's paddle eats lamp


more sugar

pillows of thunder this country lane

this country lane of shadows and silence

falling down the hole with alice

the triangular meadow and sequinned glove

the lake is a harmonica

the lake is a swan

the lake is 12 bottles of dead police

when an eyelash stares at itself

& she is more beautiful than my rent-money

than a baby's hand

than air


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