


It had a cool sound-track when I watched it on TV

I did it with a knife, a gun, I used only my bare hands

and I only did to them what they've always done to me

it won lots of enemies and also several fans

I never gave the orders to flatten hiroshima

firebomb dresden, or napalm vietnam

and I got my letters yesterday, some women want to marry me

they understand, you see, plus now I'm a celebrity

I just can't make the chat shows cos i'm about to die

while those who kill many millions wear armani suit and tie

my killings are disgusting, there's are civilised

they get promotion. I am caught and tried

but I only did to others what you're going to do to me

and at least for half an hour I felt well and truly free

so I don't need any last rites, cos I'm not on my knees

I'm the only man alive with a sense of dignity

Isn't that why those women want to marry me?


I remember all the parties
no parents in the way
walking in with Si and Loz
factory-town seemed far away

And we'd walk up the driveway
of houses with their lights on
and every song was perfect
and every girl was so much fun

and we didn't stand around, we danced
and the lucky ones would fall in pairs
and you'd always see some certain ones
glide slowly up the stairs

I remember all the parties
with nothing set in stone
holding a bottle of cheapo wine
and trading roll-your-owns
and when you asked what their plans were
it was always, "I don't know"

I remember all the parties
no parents in the way
walking in with Si and Loz
factory-town seemed far away
ask someone what their plans are
it's always, I don't know

but the world is a peach, that we'll devour

bobland and beach photos


Surrealism is punk in spirit

Without punk there is no surrealism

Andre Breton formed a punk rock band

Van Gogh was a punk

Jonathon Swift was a punk

Antonin Artaud was a punk

Che Guevara was a punk

I am a punk

You are a punk (maybe!)

Punk follows no orders

If something is not punk, it does not exist

Punk is always popular, and always ignored


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