Then they covered us up.
One by one, the penguins arrived, from the East. Each bore a gift. Heart, guts, liver. We formed an assembly.
Fire, come walk with me.
if any casual reader should, all of, wish to a human being to become one. Or, rather, wish to stop not being a human being, then a vein of glory and map quest, time may yet, barbie-queued, small triangular ham sandwiches, maybe some baby sausages, and afterwards upstairs for bodies to be inside bodies. For thus it was, and then we wander away.
Why did I cut my genitals off and bury them in your garden?
Aluminum foil is beautiful, and mistakes are maids.
Servants occupy our lower quarters.
What a waste of slime. Squat away, we've time.
"small-talk sounds like a firing-squad now."
"I want to spray love all over the place, like a porcupine in fear."
lonnnnnnng fingers....
My boots need cleaning, Miss Tongue... thank you.
A bird, our purple mountain, the glorious stench of garbage
my little nun........silver, sliver, silver
I mean, not being POST-EXPLOSION is certainly painful
The most useful-yes
of time-now-body
breathes in hotsome a new string, The Revolutionary Catechism, in La Belle Tenebreuse.
This is easy enough. One googles 'La Belle Tenebreuse'. then, as mister Lynch would say "Bob's your uncle."
A different mathematics. It ends the alibi. Oh yes it does.
It looks like Louis Bunuel's come.
It is a different view of the South.
Saved by the belle.
Using a utility knife, to remove the panties from a molecule. You don't learn that in schoool.
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