how wshe / is.
how wshe was / is......................stoops the liquid efferstoops the liquid effervescence of

PLUNGING SOLIDITY my stupor-boned eskimo (land


which the


circles like a...........................................mmmouth.

(report for the cement factories where bishops dangle from the immediate ceilings of paychecks)

a wad of conundrums..............blanches the impossible day of tulip-soldiers

invisible future-policemen liquidate the pregnant doorknobs of dreams

sardines in exquisite squalor.............................dddaffodils drooping their equestrian heads

all buckle under to: the mutinous bounty/ the saliva fruit of primadonna'd courtship / mercurial esplanade of urine and boney love, a WW2 torpedo, a train of slow decisive purpose

I am hollow / nothing escapes me

& my brain which not my own


7&&&a & a vast silence reigned






your body
your body unlocks a long river

.................i snagged my sweater on a corner of your star


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