travertied by love's siren song of
majestic half-measures
& kiltered grace
porcupines eat the
dirt of ages
rage swallows inside its
own plastic bag of doubt
&now the circle undulates its presence
bursts forth like a
cadillac in a cul-de-sac
storm-troopers to the elephant-tea-cup
you whisper
The cracks of salmonite have deserted you because you lie and were shallow
because you lived your life in a foggy blur
and never worshipped the divine testicle which is your own
amongst clovers of mirth & honey-dew blossoming
so I have forsaken you
and I said
The storm of humdrum has been removed by palette
but I shall return with prayer & sudden effigies
all silent in the tombstone
of books is purple fury waves cracking
in the crystal salt life
crystal life.........salt of tears

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