
.........................................................the musician

....,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.................................................we are the crumbs from hell's table

.................................................................................rene rene magritte is midnight


Anna Montana said...

The musician looks like an angry pelican but love the "crumbs."

martin marriott said...

what do you have against angry pelicans? ...tell me about your childhood... and the creatures that he's playing, are they sea creatures, or land or desert? or are they dessert?

i'm glad you like the Hell's Table picture, it is rather dark (to me, at least), and reminds me a little of Unerronious Bosch, that great-grandaddy of sincerity. I read R. Crumb recently saying that when he looked at Bosch's paintings it was clear to him just how much Bosch cared about people. To me that said a lot about Crumb, as well.

Anna Montana said...

They are the dessert of desert sea creatures.

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