we need pictures.
when we can actually see each other, we don't need music.
aretha franklin's eyes, when she was 28 years young
they say, here is some work i did. i did it for you.
and i say, thankyou.






..........................................................................Stealing her handbag (yellow moon)

....................................................................Into the valley to pray


1. Viridiana

2. the Arrangement

3. Stealing her handbag

4. the Ceremony

5.Viridiana's View


Anna Montana said...

I would have titled the tree picture as: "Tears of the Lost and Lonely Cyclops"

martin marriott said...

Well, now it has two good titles! (at least). Maybe if you saw the movie you'd... but yes, you kinda get it anyway!

It's one of the greatest films ever made.

I don't really know about cyclops, their lives and battles and such. The titles of the other pieces seem, to me, to have a slightly christian feel, which is a reflection of the film.

A cyclops feels more 'alone' than Viridiana was.

but i think as a stand-alone title, outside the group, yours and mine are both hunky-dory!

Anna Montana said...

You're right. I've never seen the movie, but I just looked it up and got an education. That is a very good title, and I do like both our titles independently with that picture.

martin marriott said...

bloody hell, i've no idea who this woman is, but christ now i really know how viridiana felt! I hear there's some beutifully-colored rocks out there in montana. Why don't you take some pictures of them and start your own blog, called King Kong? or go to the store and do Anna of Green Labels.

p.s. thankyou for your comments.

Anna Montana said...

Speaking of Christ... you deny knowing me Peter? Oh this won't look good at the gates.

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