when I think of all there might never have been
my eyes fill with years

i am your latino housemaid

i am your russian oil-worker

i am the tiny red bird that sings in your left nipple
which was always the firmer of the two

i instruct you to scratch it with your breathing fingernail
if you wish to see my blood

is your skin still as jet-black?

you know of my upcoming show at the Paramount
i'll get you a free pass
you can watch me collecting women's phone-numbers
or cloaked in grimmest solitude
luminous python unmanacled
slips impossible tight
from the O of your bed-lips

it was due to a busy schedule
that i pulled you around the house by your hair
until you ate from the dog-bowl i bought specially for you
and no doubt you were primarily watching television
when you casually removed my testicles

but i have no regrets about removing your father's penis from between your legs
and replacing it with a dozen oranges

and one perfectly neutral day
when you are bored of fixed-grinning with your vapid friends
look in your freezer
behind the ice-cubes
yes, behind the mid-priced pizza
i left you all of my ears

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