
Wax Figurines of Coats

Pussy-willowed embrace by mars-light

Cotton-socked junipers in the egyptian coffin

Silver medallions in the rooftops

Live breath the dam, ringo starring the Pope

An argentinian riot of rented rooms

Resistance is fetal

An effervesecent history of miscellaneous charges

A Southern rebellion

Basket-ball players small-changing the bossman

tuning the radio dial of trotsky's eye-brows

Napoleonic snowmen in a Siberian barracks

Every card the jack of Knaves

Every box the Joker

turnstile of Atlantic dog-treaties

and moonlight seranade of Alice

Grandma's fingers baking a cake of rain

Blood pours from a lover's ears

Students leave their coffee-tables and become pictures on the wall

It's a mountain at dawn

With it's barbed-wire clouds

Human birds and passport controls and Mr and Mrs Normal

Selling candy around the race-track of another man's rucksack

Unwrapping boxes of chipped dolls

Sugared embrace of Phillopino'd box-car

Coming and going, as the fussy cars wail outside and in

Union men thrown overboard

Hence the Virgin Queen, and all the messes rejoicing

Ancient inkspot, unbuckles sleep


It's all gold in dead men's teeth


The revolution viewed as a galactic mushroom explosion

A soup of insane fingers

A ravishing teardrop in history's blank eye

A child's shoe in heaven

and the fart of a dying soldier

What fun it would be, to unbutton the jail-house

with its frigidaire windows

and mall-like corridors

Come to bed, says Alice

as the hairs on my legs become storm-troopers.

One more whiskey for the boys in the factory

One more whiskey for the coal-miner's daughter

One more CD-player in a rented room

One more piece of theater.

Come to bed, shouts Alice

Images of beautiful zero surround the camp-fires of the mind


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