z j

The Function of Clothes. (24-hour mall)

My friends

It is hard to state the exact dates of their deaths.

By the time I got to their bodies

They were already so covered in marks

That it was clear they had undergone

Over a period of several years

A countless number of everyday, predictable deaths

Pro-Union At A Peace Rally
I may be against war on Sunday
But I am inside one on Monday
(the above is Quote of the Unmeek.)
people are quite nice and they are
dancing alone is very exciting
dancing with others is also
and very nice
and quite interesting
Alice is Wonderland
A bucketful of clothes and ashtrays
a salamandered fish-hook to the sky's lunar embrace
is sandwiched between hope
which floats white balloon down a child's prayer of riverdom
& the blanket circumference of tattered blue wings
which are my eyes when you drown them in a frying-pan of lizards
your eyes which are jupiter when they sit on my neck
& surround the poor fish in bejeweled despair
and your eskimo'd eyelashes of Detroit steel
are the fairground of simplicity
it begs the vulture to dance sideways into a wall of roses
your legs of snow which are scissors slicing the frowning sky like a glorious teardrop in a monk's hat
starlight enters your panties
& the 2 beautiful babies of your breasts watch me
as I open you with my brazen teeth of bracken and forget-me-knots
there are 12 dead pidgeons on the sidewalk below
and 3 dolphins swam out the window
thru the bars of pollution
which are now overlaid with a multitude of yellow triangles
which is also your body as I kneel before you
and gaze up at this calender of horses
which is kneeling now before me
like a magnificent mare
and the two.m


Anonymous said...

Like the nude, nicked, Barbie doll tied upside down to the computer monitor. Razor, dangling eagerly next to her.

martin marriott said...

I'm sorry, have i missed something here? This is a poetry website. I've got rhymes and everything. Metaphors, symbols. Elephants. Please take whatever childhood traumas you have back to Canada. I couldn't mountie if i tried. This is a finely-mown croft. For example, egg-plants. Try balancing one on your head. That's where the money is.

Anna Montana said...

Shopping at Value Village again were ya? ;)

Anonymous said...

People get on my case as if it was ME that cut them up. But it wasn't. Jesus. Or was it?

It was meant to be a political poem. Bloody hell.

Some days you just can't swim.

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